Many volunteer roles are currently restricted to volunteers aged 18 and over. In some cases, this is necessary due to the nature of the role.
There are many different ways to engage with a group of staff or volunteers in an organisation – one of which is messaging via apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.
The aim of this information sheet is to help you to understand what you need to know about running your group/organisation and how to find out more.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is valuable to members and, if it is written into the governing document, an organisation must hold it whether the management committee wish to do so or not.
A useful checklist - take our quick quiz to see if you have everything in place to begin fundraising
From 1 August 2018 the ‘automatic disqualification rules’ for trustees and management committees changed, and for the first time have been extended to being employed by a charity as the senior manager, usually the chief executive, and possibly a chief finance officer.
Bite-size offers volunteers an opportunity to undertake short and specific activities that are quick to start and complete.
Whatever type of group, organisation, charity or social business you have it will benefit from spending time to plan ahead.
All companies have the right to alter their articles by special resolution or written resolution. Some changes need consent or special procedure. Get in touch for support around changing your company articles.
A CIC (social enterprise) is defined as a business with primarily social objectives, whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community. We can offer you advice on this legal structure and help you set up a CIC.
A CIO is a corporate body (like a company) with a constitution that is registered with and regulated by the Charity Commission. We can offer advice about whether a CIO is right for you and help you to set up or convert an existing charity.