Connected Voice Magazine Winter 2021

Front cover of the Connected Voice magazine with an image of someone painting a tree

Key Findings:

Welcome to the Winter 2021 edition of Connected Voice Magazine. This issue shines a light on the issues affecting children, young people and families across Newcastle and Gateshead, and the amazing work of the organisations dedicated to supporting their health and wellbeing.

We hear about the work of Young Women’s Outreach Project, North Benwell Youth Project and Streetwise, and welcome an insightful piece from Youth Focus North East about how we can make the most of the challenges and opportunities from the last 18 months to better support young people.

Highlights from the latest research by the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner paint a stark picture of the issues facing youth services, including increased demand and funding. And on the subject of funding, we’ve shared tips and a success story from our Support and Development team.

The Newcastle health partnership, Collaborative Newcastle, shares an update on their workstreams and the newly launched Children & Families Newcastle project.

Lastly, our Connected Voice Advocacy team highlight their lesser-known services that support children, young people and families - child protection advocacy, Families through Crisis and DIY Advocate

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