Inclusion North
Tell us about your organisation/department/project (your aims, what you do, who you work with):
Inclusion North exists to make inclusion a reality for all people with a learning disability, autistic people, and their families.
Inclusion means everyone living good lives as valued members of society.
We work to change society so that everybody can have a good life.
We raise awareness of the barriers to inclusion for people with a learning disability, autistic people, and their families, and we work to remove them.
We include people with a learning disability, autistic people, families, carers, the organisations that support them, and wider communities in our work.
Tell us why being a Haref Ally is important for you and your organisation
We want to improve life for all people with a learning disability and autistic people, no matter their background or ethnicity. Being a Haref Ally means that we can make sure opportunities to be involved with our work and make people's voices heard can be accessed by people from Black, Asian and ethnically marginalised communities. This means we can make sure our work focuses on the right issues, and we can work to create more just systems.
Tell us about anything that you or your organisation has done to improve how you work with ethnically marginalised communities
One project we run at the moment focuses on health inequalities faced by people with a learning disability and autistic people from ethnically marginalised communities. People with a learning disability are at risk of dying on average 27 years younger than their peers and, if they are from ethnically marginalised communities, they are at risk of dying even younger.
A local consultant with lived experience is leading this work for us, working alongside colleagues and partners in the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and local voluntary sector to raise awareness of this issue and to push for change.
The priorities for this work are:
- Reaching out to carers from ethnically marginalised backgrounds, particularly male carers.
- Developing Easy Read information in community languages to raise awareness.
- Delivering training and awareness-raising to students and staff.
Contact details for organisation:
- Phone: 0113 244 4792
- Email:
- Website: